4 min read


man on mountain peak
photo credit: Jason Hogan

According to a survey conducted in 2021 by CollegeFinance.com, just 3 out of 10 students feel confident getting the jobs they want, and, of course, studying for after graduation, and only 23% of students feel confident they’ll receive their target  salaries. That means 77% of students are not confident they’re going to get their desired income and 7 out of 10 students don’t really know if their chosen path will bear fruit or be a waste of time. What!? Is this the new normal? Are traditional paths to success ineffective in the current climate?

Following the well-trodden path of going to school, going to college, graduating, and getting a job, graduates assume they received the training they’ll need to become successful and create a comfortable life for themselves. Unfortunately, as CollegeFinance numbers have demonstrated, this isn’t the case. Only 27% of college graduates end up working in the field of their major. This makes me think, does going to college really set you up for success in your life?

We put together Modern Wisdom because we understand that traditional vehicles of success are disappearing. Working for thirty years and retiring with a pension, turned into investing for your retirement, and now it’s creating YouTube videos or investing in cryptocurrency. The vehicles to achieve success will always change but methods to get to success are still the same.

photo credit: Annie Spratt

If you don’t feel you’re going to get there, or you feel like you don’t know which direction to take, you might want to stick around because we’ll be discussing tools and methodologies to get you out of being stuck. We’ll discuss ways to increase your odds of success. There are solutions to align your thoughts, perspectives, and actions to achieve your goals.

From the very first moment we enter the world, we act according to our needs and desires. Our actions are initially driven by our instinct to survive. As we grow and are exposed to the world around us, our basic needs, like food, sleep and shelter remain the same. However, other needs develop and evolve based on environmental influences, like where you were raised or the language you speak. Latent instincts brought on by aging like puberty or menopause also cause our needs to change.

As our needs become more complex, life presents us with more complex situations to fulfill them. As such, We need better algorithms to navigate this new, ever-evolving, and more rewarding set of circumstances. Through our videos and presentations at the Modern Wisdom Guide, we intend to show you how practical solutions can help you achieve the results you’re seeking.

stages of life
art by: Asher Brown Durand

At all stages of life, there are situations where you are trying to achieve the desired result. Of course, right? We all want the best results in anything we’re involved in? But what does it mean to achieve the best results? What do the best results look and feel like? And most importantly, what are the steps to achieve that?

The very first step in achieving desired results is understanding yourself. What makes you want the things you want? What causes you to make the decisions you make? What is the lens through which you view your world? Having an understanding of your motivations points you in the right direction.

It would be convenient if the results we needed were completely within our own control. As it turns out, no matter how much we try, none of us operate in a bubble, isolated from the world where all of our needs are fulfilled solely by ourselves. Fortunately, if you’re an extrovert or unfortunately if you’re an introvert, We are a part of the world and eventually, we have to engage in it. And to be successful in these engagements, we need to behave in a certain way so we can be the most effective, like being prepared [proactive] and responsible [accountable].

your lens
photo credit: David Travis
other's lens
photo credit: National Cancer Institute

We also need to realize that in the same way we are viewing the world through our own lens, others are viewing the exact same world through their lens. Our perspectives are often different from other people’s perspectives. This is why so many misunderstandings, miscommunications, and conflicts occur. When there are different motivations, different personalities, and all competing for different outcomes, progress for everyone can come to a standstill.

If misaligned interactions like this are prevalent, how do people make sense of our world? How do they learn how to make effective decisions? Some people turn to religion, some turn to politics, the news cycle, social media, and popular culture. Some people seek out an ideal that appeals to their base instincts or something that generates a strong emotional response. And others will adopt opinions and perspectives which are fed to them. With the overwhelming amount of information available, how do you decide what to choose?

This is where the Modern Wisdom Guide comes in. We are here to share principle-based insights and perspectives as a foundation for creating successful results in your life. By consistently implementing the methods and practices we’ll be discussing in our videos, you will be able to deliberately engage in complex situations with the confidence to achieve your intended results.

navigation tools
photo credit: Sesha Reddy Kovvuti

At The Modern Wisdom Guide, our goals are to equip people with tools to effectively navigate life’s challenges, with an emphasis on win-win results through consistent action. You will learn to evaluate situations and make the best decisions for yourselves.